January 19, 2009

Loooosing the baby weight!!!!

Kaitlyn was having a ball this weekend playing with us. I was home Thursday through Sunday. I had a lovely root canal on Thursday afternoon. Boy was that fun! After that, I got to spend the entire weekend curled up at home with my little chubba baby.

While she may be getting chubbier.....I am getting slimmer.

Tonight's weigh-in was 151.6. That's almost 9 pounds lost. I'm so excited. My baby gut is just melting away. I've been so good with the crunches too. I'm up to 100 about 4 times a week. Still looking for a way to get some more cardio into my daily routine.

I would love to buy an elliptical machine for the house, but....they are soooo expensive. Anyone that knows of one I can get for a decent price please let me know.

In other news....I've made my way to facebook. I love it. It's an awesome way to connect with old high school friends.

Well, time to go cuddle with my hubby. He made me a wonderful dinner that was ready when I got home. I don't know what I'm gonna do when he goes back to work. Oh well I have till March. I'm dreading it and he can't wait.

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