January 29, 2009


So I am having surgery tomorrow. What's wrong you may ask....well I'm having my tubes tied. Actually they'll be burnt off and cut out. I don't want to be one of the ones whose grow back and SURPRISE you're prego. That would be just my luck.

We've thought this through and I've debated back and forth about it for 5-6 months now and we've decided it for the best. I'm also having another procedure done and the same time and my risk of early delivery after this procedure would be increased. With all the problems I went through carrying Kaitlyn, I feel like its not worth it to put myself and everyone else in a similar situation ever again. Afterall, I'm so lucky to have two beautiful, perfectly healthy children, and to have a boy and a girl. Why press my luck?

So wish me luck....I probably won't blog again till next week.

January 27, 2009


Brandon had his first basketball game on Sunday....Let's just say it was interesting. He was not a happy camper the entire game, and complained of being too nervous. He put too much pressure on himself to "WIN" whereas we told him we want him to "HAVE FUN"
Hopefully, next week's game will be better.

January 24, 2009


Well....I've done it! I've officially lost 10 lbs. I feel so much better about myself now.

In other little peanut has some kind of bug. Two nights ago he developed a fever of 101.3 and it still isn't gone. He's the only kid I know that will get a fever but have no other symptoms..very strange.

Kaitlyn, on the other hand is doing wonderful. Knock on wood, she hasn't contracted any of the millions of diseases Brandon brings home every day. She's really starting to play with all of her toys and interact more with us. She's talking up a storm now, too. The other night I swear she almost said mama. She loves when I make her toes touch her nose. This morning she was cracking up. I absolutely love hearing her laugh. It completely warms my heart.

It's been a rough morning for me otherwise. We went out to Don Tequila's last night for dinner with my parents and I had one too many margaritas. My head is killing me. I couldn't help it though....margaritas are my absolute favorite and I hadn't had one since before I got preggers. Oh well, we all had so much fun though and it was way worth it. A couple of years ago I would have never thought we would enjoy hanging out with my parents so much. Its nice having such a good relationship with them. They celebrated 20 years of marriage this week. I was so happy for them. Now if we can make it that long. I sure hope.

I'll post the official weight loss for the week on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

January 19, 2009

Loooosing the baby weight!!!!

Kaitlyn was having a ball this weekend playing with us. I was home Thursday through Sunday. I had a lovely root canal on Thursday afternoon. Boy was that fun! After that, I got to spend the entire weekend curled up at home with my little chubba baby.

While she may be getting chubbier.....I am getting slimmer.

Tonight's weigh-in was 151.6. That's almost 9 pounds lost. I'm so excited. My baby gut is just melting away. I've been so good with the crunches too. I'm up to 100 about 4 times a week. Still looking for a way to get some more cardio into my daily routine.

I would love to buy an elliptical machine for the house, but....they are soooo expensive. Anyone that knows of one I can get for a decent price please let me know.

In other news....I've made my way to facebook. I love it. It's an awesome way to connect with old high school friends.

Well, time to go cuddle with my hubby. He made me a wonderful dinner that was ready when I got home. I don't know what I'm gonna do when he goes back to work. Oh well I have till March. I'm dreading it and he can't wait.

January 14, 2009

The Cutest Baby in the WORLD!!!!

She's really starting to play with her toys now.

We call her "the giggler" lately.

This is the sweet smile I get to wake up to every morning.

Here are some pics from Kaitlyn's Day at Grandma's.

I know, I know, she really is the cutest baby in the world, ;)

January 13, 2009


So instead of paying 12 dollars to get weighed in last night, I decided to go out and buy a scale. It's supposedly incredibly accurate (it's says so on the box, and we all know that the box is always right, lol).

So the official weigh in weight was 154.8. That's 5.4 lbs. lost. I'm so excited!!!!

It really hasn't been to bad being on Weight Watchers. For the most part I haven't been starving at any time. My hungry hours are between 2:30 and whenever I make it home for dinner. But I haven't given in to the evil vending machines in the kitchen right next to my cubical when they call for me. I've been strong. Also, I've been doing well with the crunches. I've done 50 at least 4 times last week. Last night I made it to 80. My goal is 250 a day. I haven't been so good with the working out doing Dance Dance part. I'm so tired by the time I get home every day, I'd rather just cuddle with the kids. I justify my lack of nightly workout with the fact that I really do walk around at work more than I thought. Some days it seems like I'm on the move more than I'm at my desk. When the weather gets nicer, I'll go for walks to the Cathedral at lunch time like I did last spring and early summer.

I've managed to find a bunch of really yummy Weight Watchers recipes that I've been trying out on Dave and Brandon. No complaints so far (except the icky 0 point Asian Soup). They haven't even noticed the healthy substitutions and extractions I've made. If anyone wants any recipes, I'd be happy to make a copy for you.

Wish me luck with the next week!

January 12, 2009

Me and My Hubby

I was going through my phone today and found this picture of me and Dave on one of our first dates.
I love you honey!

January 10, 2009

Let it Snow!!!!!

Today we woke up and found about a foot of snow outside. Brandon decided to go out and play for a couple minutes while Dave shoveled the driveway. (B was supposed to be shoveling the back walkway and steps.) It's nice to have him on a Saturday morning. He goes to his Dad's house every weekend but Nick had to plow so we got to keep him :)

Last night I was bad and had pizza...however I wasn't that bad. I weighed myself at work at the beginning of the week and yesterday before I left and I lost 4 lbs. WOOOHOOO!!! We'll see what the scale says at Weight Watchers on Monday.

Have a great snowy weekend!

January 06, 2009

It's Official

I'm officially overweight for the first time in my life.

I went to Weight Watchers last night and my weight was 160.2 lbs.

The good news was that I actually enjoyed the meeting. I met some really nice people including 3 that were also trying to loose baby weight. I'm actually considering going every week. I figure that I deserve that one hour a week to work on myself.

January 05, 2009

New Year, New Resolution

Happy New Year!!!!!

My first resolution for this year is to loose my baby fat. With Brandon the weight just melted off and six weeks later I looked like I never had a baby. With Kaitlyn....well not so much. The only weight I have lost is the five pounds that she weighed.

So with that, I have decided to start Weight Watchers today. I go to my first meeting tonight. I've talked to a couple people that love it and they have convinced me to give it a try. Throughout the last week or so I've been researching a lot of diets, trying to decide which would be the best for me. I need something that will work with my lifestyle and won't cause me to always eat differently than my family.

I hate to post this but I figure having this for the world to see will really motivate me to change.
While pregnant with Kaitlyn I went from around 120 lbs. up to 165 lbs. Right now I'm about 155-160lbs (ugh). I also went from a size 0 to a 10 (even worse).

The only excuse I have is that I did spend 10 weeks on very strict bed rest or in the hospital. I swear the lack of movement caused me to develop fat deposits I never had before.

I'll post my weights for the world to see every week.

I also plan to incorporate some kind of exercise into my husband loves Dance Dance Revolution (and I think its pretty fun too), so I'm hoping we can do that for 30 min three times a week and I can get in some crunches 2-3 times a week.

Wish me luck!

January 01, 2009

Happy New Years!