We have been crazy busy in the last couple weeks. Dave has started school. Football has ended. Basketball has started. We have been preparing for Halloween (going to 4 stores in one night just to find a Venom costume, making cookies, haunted gingerbread house, etc. etc.) I also got sick again (yes AGAIN) and yesterday Kaitlyn was sick for the first time. It was so horrible and sad, but she appears to be on the road to recovery today. Below are some pics from the last couple weeks. ENJOY!

The cookie monster!
Sooo Spooky....I just love the bleeding windows!
Brandon loved his trophy I stood outside in the cold
to get so that he didn't miss basketball. That's Brandon (in the middle) during his first basketball game.
Lucky #8
Look how happy Gramma looks with our little angle.
This is my favorite picture of us!
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